Netspark Mobile features 4 predefined filtering levels for you to choose from, helping you getting started as easy as possible.
Light Filtering Level
The Light Level is our basic filtering profile, providing a minimum of blocking and restrictions on content. With this profile, Web and App content (or apps altogether) containing pornographic or extreme violence and gore are blocked. All other websites and apps are available for use with ongoing inspection, ensuring that the content delivered is appropriate for the Light Filtering Level.
When surfing with this level, there is a higher risk of exposure to inappropriate content. Users not willing to accept this risk should choose a higher filtering level.
Moderate Filtering Level
The Moderate Level provides a more protected Internet experience. With this level, web and app content related to Nightlife and Provocative Entertainment, Indecent Medical, Lingerie and Swimwear, Gambling, Drugs and Alcohol and Advertising will be blocked. Additionally, apps that are unknown to our database are blocked from download and use until they have been inspected and updated into our system to prevent accidental exposure to harmful content. All content blocked in the Light Level is also blocked in this level.
When surfing with this level, there is some risk of exposure to inappropriate content that is more appropriate for the Light level. Users not willing to accept this risk should choose a higher filtering level.
Strict Filtering Level
The Strict Level provides the most rigorous content filtering. With this level, most of the Chat/IM/SMS (except for your phone's native SMS function), Social Networks/Social Media, TV Streaming, Games and Wallpaper apps and websites are blocked, in addition to all content blocked by the Light and Moderate Levels.
When surfing with this level, there is a minimum risk of exposure to inappropriate content.
Block All Filtering Level
The Block All filtering Level offers bare bones access, blocking all apps except basic productivity tools and system apps (flashlight, calendar, clock, camera, SMS, calculator, etc.).

- If you are looking for a more customized web experience, you can set our Custom Filtering Level. The Custom Filtering Level allows you to define how Netspark filters different categories of web content and apps (for information on how to set the Custom Filtering Level, please visit this article).
- Netspark allows you to create Custom Filtering Rules to block or allow specific apps and websites (for information on how to set the Custom Filtering Rules, please visit this article).