How do I uninstall Netspark from my Mac?

How do I uninstall Netspark from my Mac?

In order to uninstall Netspark from your Mac, please follow these steps:

1. Click the Netspark icon that appears on the menu bar that runs along the top of the screen. When the menu appears, click Uninstall.

2. If the "Uninstall Protection" is enabled, you will be required to enter your removal password. Your can retrieve your removal password by logging in to the admin web dashboard at and clicking on Display the password, which is located in the Filter Settings column (next to the key image).

Enter the removal password exactly as it appears on the management website and click Next.

4. A message will appear asking you to enter your Mac administrator password. Click Next to continue.

5. Enter your Mac administrator password and click OK.

Netspark uninstalled successfully.

Keep in mind:

Removing the app doesn't cancel the subscription.
To cancel please follow this guide

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