Netspark's Photo Protection feature will scan new images taken on the device's camera or downloaded to the device. If Netspark detects an inappropriate image, the access to the image will be blocked until it is deleted or approved by the admin. The Photo Protection feature offers two levels of protection, Light and Moderate. Light detects full nudity in photos, while Moderate detects partial nudity, including swimwear and lingerie.
How does it work?
1. Netspark monitors photos taken on or downloaded to the users device.
2. If an inappropriate image is detected, the access to the image will be blocked until it is reviewed by the admin.
3. Netspark gives the user an option to keep or delete the photo. If they choose to keep it, the photo will be sent to the admin by email for review.
4. You review the photo and decide whether to approve or delete it. If you delete it, Netspark will remotely delete the photo from the user's device.
To activate the Photo Protection, please following these steps:
1. Open the Netspark Mobile app on your device.
2. Login with your admin email address and password.
3. Select the device you'd like to enable the Photo Protection for from the device list (the default selected device is your device).
4. Press the Settings tab (gear wheel icon).
5. Toggle on the Photo Protection switch (located under Filter settings).
6. Choose the desired Photo Protection level and enter an email address to receive the photos for review.
7. If an inappropriate image is detected, the access to the image will be blocked until it is reviewed by the admin.
8. The account admin will receive an email message to review the blocked image. To review the image, press View Image and on the next screen press Show image.
9. Review the image and decide whether to approve or delete it.
If you approve the image, the user will be be able to keep and view on his device.
If you delete the image, Netspark will remotely delete the it from the user's device.
10. After your approve or delete the image, the user will receive a notification on his device about your decision.